Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween!  We really weren't sure what to expect - especially from Henry who didn't take a nap and hated his costume when he tried it on - but we took the neighborhood by storm!

Jack totally got it this year and couldn't wait to get candy.  This morning when he woke up I heard him telling his stuffed animals that "today is the day we get to go trick-or-treating!"  He was not scared of anyone (even the neighbors in the creepy masks) and wanted to hit every house.  He was great about wishing everyone a Happy Halloween. Henry rallied to have the best time of all of us.  He ran along ahead of us and determinedly followed Jack up each set of stairs.  We were amazed that he actually kept his costume on the whole time - even after we got home.  He then dug right into the candy.  Both boys would have happily eaten everything in their bucket but they are also quite excited about a visit from the "Switch Witch".  They each picked out five pieces of candy to save and are leaving the rest for the Switch Witch who will  switch it with a toy (this year, noisy animal flashlights!).

Jack had just as much fun passing candy out to trick-or-treaters.  He stood by the open screen door watching, listening, and jumping up and down as they approached.  He also was excited by the neighbor's spooky display - giant eyes peeking out their top windows.  "It looks like something big lives in there!"

Happy Halloween!

Friday, July 30, 2010

That's my boy!

What a fun night!  Tonight we celebrated Henry's birthday with the Uncle Chelle, Uncle Fun, the girlies, Nana and Tim.  (Grampy was feeling under the weather - we missed you!)  The highlight of the evening was, of course, the cake smash.  True to his Jackson genes, Henry was a chocolate champ.  He started by plucking out and licking the candle and then dove into the cake with great gusto.  There was no tentative exploration here - it was full force chocolate joy.  But even in the midst of the feast Henry was compelled to announce when an airplane flew overhead - chocolate hand flung in the air.  Jack was a great big brother, helping to open presents and blow out the candle and leading the singing in his best concert voice.  Some of Jack's other highlights were taking pictures of Uncle Tim (note the half-head shot in the slideshow) and rescuing the girlies from the tree in an exciting game of "firefighter".  And, of course, the cupcakes that he worked so hard to make.  Delicious! On the way inside after waving goodbye to everyone Jack noticed that he had stubbed his toe.  Luckily, it was an easy fix.  "A cupcake will feel me better!"  Words to live by.

Henry loved all of his new toys and getting cuddled and cheered by some of his favorite people.   Thanks everyone for a wonderful party.   Click on the arrow below to see a slideshow of the evening.

Henry's Birthday Party from joelle harrison on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where's that Moose?

For Father's Day this year the Enebos, the Harrisons and Tim all took Grampy out to the ball game.  It was a great game - the Mariners actually beat the Red Sox! - and we had amazing seats in the shade behind home plate but Jack was not aware of any of this at his first Mariners game.  For him, it was all about the Moose.  On the way to the game we told him that the Mariner Moose would be there.  He started looking for him as soon as we hit the stadium.  We made a small pitstop on our way to the seats to outfit Jack in a new Mariners shirt and cap.  At our seats we relaxed with some peanuts (also a first) and saw the MOOSE! warming up on the field with the Mariners.  For the rest of the time we were in the seats, Jack would look down on the field and say, "Where's that Moose?  Where's the Moose?"  But we were not in our seats for long - we had some adventures!  

We had a ticket to go play in the special stadium playground - Kate took Jack in to show him the ropes while the other girlies walked around with Allen.  She was an amazing big cousin, encouraging Jack and even picking him up (strong!!!) to help him when he got stuck.

On our way to the playground, we were keeping our eyes peeled for that Moose and we found him - right in his Moose Den!  Kate and Jack snuggled up with the Moose and even gave him a "bump".  (Jill kept her distance - true to her belief that all mascots are a bit "creepy".)

On the way back to the seats all the kids picked out a treat - for Jack, another first of chocolate Dippin' Dots.  After all this fun (and no nap) Jack was content and very, very sleepy.  Upon finishing his Dots he said, "I want to drive away in our swagger wagon."  Happy to go while the getting was good, we left at the end of the 5th inning (missing all the action!).  Jack was asleep before we left the parking lot.   A great time was had by all, including little Henry who had a lovely day with Nana.  

Sunday, July 18, 2010


We went hunting for vikings at the Nordic Heritage Festival.   We only saw one viking but we enjoyed many ebelskiver.  Yum!  Jack and Henry also danced a few jigs with the accordian band.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Henry is One!

Dear Henry,

Holy Moly.  That is all I can say.  I can't believe you are already one year old!  It really did go SO fast.  It seems like yesterday that you were snuggled in my Moby contentedly sucking on my pinky finger.  That was the best feeling in the world.  Now you are a happy and busy little guy - keeping us on your toes as you discover all the new things you can do.

You are walking in little spurts - sometimes with a Frankenstein walk, sometimes with a sidestep but always with great pride.

You are definitely a thrill-seeker and love to be twirled around, thrown in the air, or hung upside-down.  You are also becoming quite a climber - the higher the better! In the past few days you have conquered Jack's high chair and attempted to scale the oven door.  It looks like you will be a sporty guy as you love every kind of ball and have a pretty good arm already.  You get downright giddy when roll/throw the ball back and forth to each other.

You do not have any words yet but you certainly make it loud and clear how you are feeling or what you want.  You have a few signs that you use sporadically - more, eat, milk, all done, night night and your current favorite:                              


You shoot that hand in the air whenever you hear an airplane - even when you are inside!  You have a few sounds - a crackly "cccccc"  when you see the kitty and a trumpeting sound when you see an elephant.  You use this same trumpeting sound to really show us anything and everything.  It is your favorite sound.  We look forward to hearing some words from you very soon!

People comment all the time about how happy you are.  At your one year doctor's appointment you had the doctor and even the nurses in the hallway laughing with you as you had a ball playing a game with the doctor.  You are very mellow and easy-going until you get an owie or feel wronged and then you are VERY vocal in your feelings.  But a snuggle with your favorite doggy makes everything okay again.  As soon as you see him, your thumb goes right into your mouth.  And my heart melts.

Until recently, you were not much of a snuggler, you were just too busy.  But lately you have been sharing the most wonderful squeezy, snuggly hugs and sloppy, wet kisses.  Ahhh.

You think Jack is pretty great.  You are always very interested in what he is doing and are his biggest fan when he is rocking out, clapping loudly as soon as he starts.  You guys have a new move - the drive-by-high five - performed when you are "driving" past each other in your cars in the backyard. On the flip side, you make it very clear when you don't like something he has done to you and have recently gotten a bit possessive when sitting with me.  I am seeing a bit of a mischievous streak in you when you clearly try to get a rise out of Jack.  A sneak peek of what is to come?  We'd better hold on, it looks like it's going to be a wild ride!

Henry you are a joy - I love every day with you and am having such fun getting to know the newest parts of your goofy and adventurous personality.  Happy, happy birthday!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

NOT Good Eats

OWIE!  Poor Henry got stung by a bee on his lip when he thought the bee might make a good snack.  Luckily, this lip swelling was the worst of it and Henry was in good spirits soon after.  (Please excuse the blurry photo, both boys were trying to get the camera for themselves!)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

like father, like son

For Father's Day Stephen and Jack got matching Crocs, previously known as "Daddy's working shoes."  Jack loves them and is especially thrilled to sing about them in one of his favorite Recess Monkey songs:  "I've got Crocs, flip flops, and my black high tops but I'm looking for something new...."  Almost every time this line is followed by : "I'VE got Crocs!"